A correction allows you to adjust the balance of a team member. You can either write-off hours (a negative correction) or add hours (a positive correction). For example: If a team member buys additional leave, you can make a positive correction to the leave balance. A correction is often used when a team member leaves the company, to settle the final balance.
Apply a correction
You can apply corrections to both the hour balance and the leave balance. You can process a correction as follows:
Via 'Hours' in the header, go to eith "Hour balance" or "Leave balance".
Select the team member you want to apply the correction to.
Under the Actions button you will find the option 'Apply correction'.
Here, select the date for the correction. Also select whether you want to make a negative or positive correction, and for how many hours.
Add a comment. We recommend that you carefully describe what the correction is for, for later use.
Once saved, you will see the correction as a separate line in the overview. You can see who made the correction and when. If you click on the correction, a window with more details will open.
Revert a correction
Did you make a mistake? You cannot delete a correction, but you can reverse it. By doing so, you actually make a counter correction. You can click the “Revert” button to do so.