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Availability settings

There different settings for your availability. In this article you can read about the different options.

Updated over a year ago

If you navigate to 'Planning' > 'Availability", you see a 'Settings' button in the top right corner. You can also find these settings by clicking on the menu in the top right corner > Venue settings.

Availability settings

  • Active availability feature
    1. Active: Default setting. Everyone can adjust their availability
    2. For managers only: Team members are not allowed to adjust their availability, only managers can do this.
    3. Inactive: The feature is not being used. Nobody can submit availability.

  • Default availability status for a team member
    Here you can choose whether team members are available or unavailable by default.

  • Display contract hours or amount of shifts
    1. Amount of shifts: Displays the number of desired working days for team members (if they have entered this) on the availability page and in the schedule.
    2. Mixed: Displays the contract hours for team members with a fixed hour contract, and the desired number of days for the rest of the team members.

  • Reason required if unavailable
    Makes it mandatory for team members to give a reason if they want to mark themselves as unavailable.

  • Availability period
    Do you, for example, want your team members not to be able to change their availability anymore 3 weeks in advance? Read how to set it up here.

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